Darcy Donavan – A Welcome Distraction

Darcy Donavan actress, singer, beauty queen and all round American, kindly took some time out of her busy schedule to sit and have a chat with us – the fact that we tied her up, tickling her with a feather until she told us all her secrets had nothing to do with it – peering at her with my most fiendish face and speaking with a thick East German accent that sounded more like Borat from the movie of the same name I began my interrogations, while waving a big pink feather above her head…..
and I have to say having spent some time with Darcy how truly down to earth and lovely she really is, in fact it’s almost like talking to an old friend you have known for years, simply put she is beautiful, smart and funny but most of all extremely friendly so read on as we tease out some secrets.
“I love the feather! Are you related to RuPaul?”
So Darcy Can you give our readers in the UK a little bio about yourself, who is Darcy Donovan and where did it all start etc?
“Hmmm, that may take a while……I was born on a distant planet full of Amazon warriors that all look exactly like me. I graduated with honors from the Science Academy and was sent here to study the human race undercover as an actress, model and recording artist.
Okay, I made all that up ;). I was actually born in Miami, Florida and raised in Nashville, Tennessee by my amazing single mother. I got into music and acting as a young child and have been doing that ever since, and loving it! There are more details on my website (link below).”
With the release of your new Album, Distraction is there a more definite move to concentrate on your music career, and let acting take a back seat for a while?

“Not really, when it comes to my acting and music career I always tell people: which of your children is more important to you when you have twins? I love them both and there is no reason why I can't do both. In fact, my acting career is going full speed ahead while I am getting my full album recorded in the studio.
I also have two screenplays in development for me to star in, and I have a fantastic television project that I am also working on, that a lot of networks are excited about. So I am a busy bee and I wouldn't have it any other way;).”
Distraction has a real hip hop sultry sound, with "Here We Go Again" being extremely catchy, who are some of your big musical influences in your life?
“I love Michael Jackson, George Michael, Mick Jagger and Madonna. As far the current group of hot music stars, I would have to say Pink, Katy Perry and Rhianna. I also am a big fan of 50 cent, Snoop Dogg, and I love Ludicris — that is where a lot of my hip-hop influence comes from. In all actuality, I have done really every genre of music from country to hard rock to hip hop so I like to have a different flavor with every song that I do.”
I hear you are quite the entrepreneur, and have a clothing line in the offing. Can you tell us more about this, and perhaps let us in on what other exciting things you have in the pipeline?

“I am currently working with top fashion industry people on my clothing line. I like to be different and I like to start trends, not be a part of them. I am all about the glitz and glamour when it comes to clothes and I feel everyone should always feel classy and glamorous in the clothes they wear.”
I am also working simultaneously on two separate books. One of them is a health and fitness book, and the other one is a spiritual epic. That's all I can say about that one, but it should get a lot of people talking. ”
With such a hectic working life how do you unwind? Any hobbies or interests outside of music and acting?
“I love to check out all the latest movies, especially the ones in 3-D. I'm into a number of different sports including basketball and riding my bike. And I love discovering new restaurants to try. I'm a fan of all types of food, ranging from Japanese, to Italian, to American. I also love to cook and unwind with making a great home-cooked meal;). There are so many good little Mom-and-Pop restaurants around and I love finding those as well.
I also have four dogs that I rescued from a kill shelter, and they bring so much joy into my life, so I spend a lot of time with my furry little children and giving them the attention that they so deserve;). I also really enjoy to read and I love to read new scripts that writers and producers send to me.”
With the experience and talents you have what advice would you give anyone wanting to start an acting or musical career?
“Keep working at it. The story I always bring up to people is what happened to the rock singer, Joan Jett. She got turned down by pretty much every major record label in the music industry. So, she went ahead and started up her own label with her manager. Soon after that, she got a number one record. Don't take no for an answer. In fact, don't even ask the question. Assume that the answer is a yes. Because, a lot of the time, yes is the answer. And if it isn't the answer from one person, I will find the next person who will say yes.
Trust me, there are a lot of so-called seasoned industry executives who turned down Madonna and even Lady GaGa who are kicking themselves in the butt;) So I don't ever take no for an answer. If someone can't see outside of the box to see your vision eventually someone will;) Winners never quit and quitters never win;).”
Well that about wraps our time up but before we untie you and set you free Darcy we always like to ask a few fun questions
“Aww ; ( I like to be tied up;) lol lol.”
What type of men do you fall for the Brad Pitt’s or the Rob Schneider's of this world? –
“I actually love both. I have a very eclectic taste in men. I just love Jensen Ackles of Supernatural. I also really like Ian Somerhalder and Channing Tatum, but if I had to pick just one guy, it would definitely have to be Jensen. Having said that, I do always tell my girlfriends to get with somebody less attractive than you. Then if you break up you can be like he is not going to do better than me;) Now I do have the hots for Carrot Top, yep I said it, Carrot Top baby. Hey what can I say I have a fetish for redheads;).”
Do own a pair of Pink Bunny Rabbit Slippers?
– “Have you been peeking in my closet? That's really naughty!”
What’s your favourite type of food?
– “My favourite food definitely is Japanese food. MMMM, Yum! I really love the Japanese steak houses such as Benihana. It's a great mix of fantastic food and entertainment. I also love my cheeseburgers and fries! Now some of my friends call me the Sauce Queen because I just love my sauces, ketchup, barbecue sauce, honey mustard, etc.
Except maybe for desserts, but even then I load up my ice cream with lots of hot fudge sauce. I also love apple pie as well topped with hot caramel. MMMMMMM Yummy…okay okay so now I am hungry, I gotta go now and get some food;)
Everything I eat I basically have to dip into my beloved sauces. I even bring my ketchup with me when I travel. Hey, don't laugh, even P. Diddy does it ”
Do horror movies scare you?
– “It depends how realistic they are. I can watch a vampire movie, or a zombie movie, and enjoy it, because there aren't any vampires or zombies roaming the earth. But a slasher movie? Texas Chainsaw type stuff – No, thank you.”
Well Darcy that’s about it your free to go but thank you so much for spending some time with us and please keep us up to date with all your latest news.
“I most certainly will sweetie and big hugs to you;).”

Darcy Donavan Websites:
Official Website – http://www.darcydonavan.com
See Full Article Here: http://kewelworld.com/darcy-donovan/